About me

Hello everypony :3

My name is Isabella. I like programming and messing with software like Windows and Firefox. I know C, C++, C#, JavaScript, and PHP; and will figure out how to work within a different language if ever I need to. (I should really learn Rust.)

I am a developer as part of Network Neighborhood. A fair few of my projects are shared with them.

I'm a big fan of the Mozilla framework, which powers Firefox and Thunderbird (and historically some cooler programs like Sunbird and Songbird). I'm a contributor to the Nara Browser project. All software should use XUL and it is such a shame that Mozilla as an application framework died out so soon.

Is this a MLP-themed website? Yes. If you've ever been on the fence about watching MLP, it's a pretty good cartoon, and surprisingly entertaining to watch as an adult.